The Voice of Phoenix by Zylkia Ivette Swensen
The Voice of a Phoenix is one of the books that I’ve read, and I can truly agree that the content matches the title. I especially love that Zylkia did not just jump into the book and make it just about depression; she made us feel her feelings and carried us along from her childhood to every one of her relationships to the birth of each of her children. I love it! I love how detailed and honest she is, and through the book, from when I got to chapter six, my emotions got more intense. The way Nana treated Zylkia and her kids almost made me shed a tear; no mother deserves to go through the pain of someone hurting their children or living in a motel or women’s shelter just because they need to get away from their abusive husband, and I was really hoping she found a man who would be her soul mate and love her completely, which she did at the end when she got married to Ken, her best friend and husband. Losing her children was her greatest fear from the moment she was about to lose Kian when he was thirty days old in chapter six, and any woman will understand why she nearly lost her sanity when Andy, who wasn’t her biological child, was taken away from her in chapter ten, and how Andrew used her love for Andy to get the house from Zylkia. When I finally got to the end of the book, I was truly happy because she found happiness in her life, got married to her soulmate, and I loved how she still gave marriage a chance the fourth time because many women won’t want to marry after having those bad experiences with Javier and Andrew. I also loved how she was with all of her children at the end, excluding Andy. I love how she raised her and Ken’s children and how she’s working at Party City, where every day is a party, and you can be sure she’s truly happy. She ended the book with positivity and advice for the readers on why they shouldn’t give up on themselves. Zylkia the phoenix rose from her ashes, and the book couldn’t have ended any better.
There have been numerous times when I had the choice of taking my life. I have known pain. But I also know love, hope, and life. If you are in a similar situation, please consider reading my book. I know it will help you because it helped me. Writing this book save my life and I hope it can help you too.Suicide is something that is not talked about enough. It is a Social Illness that is taking lives younger and younger. Veterans that gave their lives for our country, and anyone. This is not an issue that discriminates, and we need to act now. You are not alone
Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 or the Military Helpline (get help) 888-457-4838 or text 988.
We want to see you shine.
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Product Details
Publisher: Covenants Books (November 20, 2022)
Publication date: November 20, 2022
Language: English
File size: 4101 KB
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Sticky notes: On Kindle Scribe
Print length: 150 pages