About The Voice of a Phoenix:
The Voice of a Phoenix
The Voice of a Phoenix is a very personal book. It took me a long time to finish it because I still feel the pain of my “darker times.” Writing The Voice of a Phoenix helped me immensely because I was able to understand my pain. With every chapter I wrote, I learned things, discovered so much about myself, and applied anything that could be beneficial to my own life. Pain is part of life; you can’t learn without it, step-by-step, but never stop. Life is worth living and worth fighting for no matter how many times you must start over.
A phoenix never dies. “Suicide is never an option” (Zee).
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Author Bio:
Zylkia Swensen graduated from the American Military University
with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development and Family
Studies. She also graduated from nursing school and computer decoding.
She’s bilingual (Spanish and English) and briefly served in the military for the US Army as a supply specialist where she received the
Army Achievement Medal.
Zee, as she prefers to be called, always had a passion for the arts.
Drawing, painting, writing—she could do it all. She sold her paintings since she was five for twenty-five cents around the neighbors.
She wrote stories since she was thirteen years old, mostly funny teen
drama. She dreams about writing a book and not just any book but
one that would help humanity.
Even when she was little, she would always want to help others
and had done numerous homeless trips where she gave packages of
food and hygiene items. She was very good at couponing, so she was
able to buy more to give. With a heart like an angel, she helps just by
listening to you with her bright colorful personality.
I’m the oldest, and I testify that she is the definition of a
supermom. She sacrifices everything for us to keep us safe.
For Audio Book: