About The Mommy to be Bible: 5 things all expecting Mothers should know:
One of the most beautiful experiences we can embark on as women is motherhood. This journey begins with pregnancy. We become responsible for someone other than ourselves. A lot of times we are taught things very black and white which can lead us to make unconscious decisions. If we came from a more knowledgable place, we would be able to embrace and surrender to the rollercoaster ride that motherhood is. After my 3rd child and having 3 completely different experiences I decided to put together 5 things that all expecting mother’s should know. Even if you’re not pregnant yet. This can be your starting point. Let this be your guide and reminder of the power you possess.
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Author Bio:
Jenn Pinto was born in Queens New York and raised in East New York Brooklyn. She moved to Los Angeles, CA in 2011 to pursue her acting and writing career. She has worked on over a dozen feature films. She currently works as a writer and producer in Hollywood. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and 3 children.