About The Healing:
The Healing is a rebellious, yet heartwarming ghost story about a spirit boy who is drawn to a mother and her young son following the discovery of a photograph found within the pages of a book purchased from a secondhand market stall. The indomitable entity forms a seemingly innocent friendship with the two to gain trust, before wreaking havoc and confusion within the family home. With psychic intervention, the darkened mystery surrounding the haunting is pursued to its final conclusion – was the spirit boy a victim of accidental drowning or was he brutally murdered?
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Author Bio:
Karen Stokes began her literary journey in 2010, writing purely to see where it would lead, hence her first novel ‘An Ordinary Life’ was published in 2014, under a different name.
She says: “I was born and bred in Sheffield – a ‘true Yorkshire lass’, as they say, and raised amid shop-keeping and a tight-knit community by parents who were both articulate and creative, and as such, inherited many skills with which to occupy my time.
“I can clearly remember a love of reading from an early age through to my teens, with a passion for poems and limericks, evident in a recent discovery of a piece I wrote about my father when I was only ten years old, which demonstrates an early talent for rhyme and phrasing. As I grew older, among my favourite authors were Fay Weldon and Martin Amis.”
Still in Sheffield, she lives with her husband and ‘puss-cat’, and is currently working on her third novel, Blacksheep.