About The Gemini Connection by Julie Hamstead:
This intriguing thriller follows the intertwining lives of Evie Longshaw, a talented young doctor, and MI5 operatives Jackson Bridges and Harry Rivers. When Evie unexpectedly becomes the recipient of coded messages from a suspected terrorist hotspot, it leads the three of them on a perilous chase across Europe. Amidst the danger the trio form an unlikely bond whilst, back in London, cantankerous MI5 boss Stanners finds himself dealing with problems closer to home. When the identity of the message sender is finally revealed, a complex web of betrayal and deception begins to unravel around them. Loyalties are pushed to their limits as they all must confront the ultimate decision: when the distinction between friend and foe blurs, how much are they willing to sacrifice to protect one another and ensure the safety of their loved ones? Combining humor and pathos in equal measure and set against a geopolitical landscape, the plot has enough twists and turns to keep you hooked.
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Author Bio:
Julie Hamstead is a doctor by day but, since joining a local writing group, she pretends she is a novelist by night. She lives in the south of England with her family, various cats and the occasional dog borrowed from a friend. The Gemini Connection is her first novel. She is currently working on her second Bridges and Rivers story which will see the protagonists return.