About PERILOUS TIMES: The Degrading Character of The Last Days by Andy Ripley:
In Second Timothy chapter three, verses one through five, Paul describes the character qualities which will be widely seen in the people of the last days. Although these are not necessarily qualities that are unique to the people of the final generation, as they are common to all generations of fallen human beings, the strong implication is that these evil traits will be dangerously magnified in the final days of history. The men and women of the last days will be more selfish, greedier, more boastful, prouder, more blasphemous, more disobedient, less thankful, more unholy, more unforgiving, more brutal and worse in every conceivable way when compared to previous generations. The complete loss of integrity and good character is what will make the last days so difficult to bear. This book attempts to describe how each of these character traits will impact society and how it is already affecting the world. And how up against the backdrop of this drastic societal decline, we will see the bright and glorious witness of Jesus Christ as it is reflected in the life of His true church.
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Author Bio:
Mr. Ripley is a disabled veteran who has served as a pastor and as a missionary in The Philippines and Brazil. He has travelled extensively, preaching and speaking in conferences in more than ten countries. His books are sold around the world. He lives with his wife and fellow missionary, Cristina, in Humble, Texas.