Featured Interview With Tenisha Dyanne Younger
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Hi, wonderful world of readers. My name is Tenisha and I am a beautiful rainbow of words.I am truly in love with words and adventure. That is how I express my innermost self. I presently reside everywhere! I am an avid traveler. I was born in Jackson, Mississippi;but my main residence is Atlanta,GA. I do not own a pet;but if I were a pet I would be a dolphin. My original quote in the new book is as follows:I can not be a you, because I am a Me. I enjoy embracing my new purple hair and blue lipstick. I am filled with ambition and always up for embarking upon new things. In addition to writing and being an artist manager,I share a photography business. A picture conveys a thousand words at CarieoCrenshaw Photography. We capture visions of edgy portrayals. Life is what one makes of it. This interview is dedicated to my grandfathers, Sterling and Alfred. It is also dedicated to those who thirst for life. Climb the highest mountain and just breathe. I did and it was invigorating.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I acquired a fascination with books at an early age. My grandmother Ora Younger taught me the gift of reading and writing at 3. Books take me on a never-ending journey. Writing plays a pivotal role in my life. My grade school librarian Ms. Jones believed in my literary skills. I attended Pecan Park Elementary. All 7 of my siblings went to Pecan Park. My 7 C’s are Courtney, Corey, Camille, Caleb, Chantel, Candace and Carmen. My mother Daphne gave me the greatest gift siblings. I never desired to be an only child. Most of my time was spent at the library and being a scholar in the spelling bees. She instilled in me that I could pursue writing as a career. I wrote for the elementary paper and began to get poetry published worldwide. Books allow me to be my best character which is myself. I learned as a child that giving back is the greatest reward. What is very amusing is that Chantel and I just got locked up in a university library. The police laughed profusely. The doors were locked shut and we were upstairs with no way out. I warned you that I loved books. Lol!! I love a good party since I am a 5 Star Chic! I believed in a fantasy that actually came true. A good, glamorous function is once in a lifetime. In other words, I am not a #geek.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Some of my favorite writers are as follows:Jackie Collins, Danielle Steel, Alice Walker, Nora Roberts, Langston Hughes, Albert Einstein, Steve Harvey and numerous others. I don’t have a favorite genre. There are several people who inspire my writings. One in particular is my grandmother. She lived so many lives and I see through her mirror of experiences. Reading my new book and the people I mention will further explain who inspires my work. Most of the people are apart of my life and mean a great deal to me.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is entitled, How To Be A Successful Woman In A Man’s World. I am an author and an artist manager. I am a wise, fun, unique individual. I see myself as a butterfly with wings. This book tells some stories as a female leader in the entertainment industry. It also honors women in certain career fields. It provides advice, guidance, humor, quotes, poetry, honesty and simply a little piece of everything. I re-wrote a second part recently. It listed more up close and personal experiences to give the readers more depth. It is very inspiring and motivational. It will make you laugh, cry, dream and hope. I have met a great deal of people throughout my life. It has rarely been a boring moment because most of them are interesting. This book is a must read and is life changing. It took a year and a half to finish this work of art. The chapters of my life remain unfinished. I spent my last 2 summers in Las Vegas. Those summers were exotic and very Hot! It discusses music tours and lots of eye openers. My book is a learning tool for the soul. It covers several subject matters, all of which are not PG. Lol! It is a timeless classic and will be released in 2016. My advice is to live life to the fullest because it is a priceless gift. Be fearless and take risks. Your destiny is left up to you. Have fun and make yourself happy. Pick up my book because it honors others as well. It is a must read of adventure, a little scandal and simply opening up the door of possibilities. All of the characters are real, this book is real. I have lived 9 lives and counting. Success requires determination and one must not ever give up. Music is apart of my life because it is a song. One of my major clients is Patrickguitarboy. He has created intricate pieces that will last a lifetime. Can’t is a word that cannot exist. I am molding a platform and legacy for my nieces and nephews to follow. These little angels are Sky, Corey, Caleb, Trace, Braden, Malachi and Micah who I simply adore. Children are our future and we must cherish them . Take a walk in my shoes and read. Make your fantasy a true reality. Life doesn’t have to be an open book; but keep your options open.
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