Featured Interview With Sergio Bersanetti
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Turin, Italy, but my job first and my curiosity later brought me to places like Los Angeles, Manchester (Connecticut), Munich, Barcelona and Cracow. In all these cities I spent from some months to several years, and I learned a lot about different lifestyles and points of view. By the way, that is something that I often try to convey in my books too.
Now I’m back in Italy and I live next to my parents and my brother. My mother has three cats, which unfortunately I’m allergic to even though I really like them, and they seem to like me even more 🙂
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I can’t even remember when I started reading books, I guess the answer is since I learned to read, although of course initially they were children books.
About writing: for several years I wrote articles about music and sports, and I did interviews to fellow musicians (I make music too). Only fairly recently I switched to books; my first output was a self-help guide, then I gradually switched to fiction, where I intend to settle. At the moment I feel comfortable with novellas, but I’m sure that one day I will write a novel too.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I read a little bit of everything, although I seem to enjoy mostly inspirational books. What I mean by that is either non fiction that teaches how to live at my best, or biographies of people who made a difference in this word.
When it comes to fiction, Elena Ferrante is my hero. I wish I could write half as good as she does.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
“Antonio’s Wait” is quite and unusual book, in the sense that it blends non fiction and fiction. I wrote down some ideas on how I would like the world to be on several subjects, from children education to work relationships and so on. That is the non fiction or inspirational part of the book, and I completed it in a couple of years. It was not meant to be part of a book, initially, so I was writing only when I felt deeply connected to the thought that my mind produced.
Then I built a story around all these quotes and thoughts, which was really fun to do and took me just about one month to complete.
Antonio is a kind man, quite naive and also funny in his own way. Luckily he has a stong woman by his side, who takes care of the practical aspects of life even though she is a kind spirit too.
Then we have some other family members and friends, who also make his life more interesting and sometimes challenging.
The story develops during the 12 hours that preceed the birth of his first son, so I had to use some flashbacks or the book would have only 30 pages or so 🙂
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