Featured Interview With PEARL.
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
~ Poet ~ Empath ~ Highly Sensitive ~ Psychic ~ Readings ~ Angelic Reiki Healing ~ Crystal ~ Enlightened Wisdom ~ Healer ~ Twin Flame ~ Manifestation ~ Mental Health ~ Eating Disorders ~ Body Image ~ Emotions ~ Sexuality ~ Erotica ~ Inner Child
I’ve been through quite a lot of trauma over the years. All ranging from mental health issues, sexual harassment, emotional neglect, struggles with sexuality, losing my ‘known’ identity. The latest to add to the list is having my first relationship, with a narcissistic emotional and mental abuser.
When it comes to mental health issues, I’ve suffered from a range. Eating disorders, OCD, depression, self harm, suicidal tendencies. 15 years and still the same default setting comes through. Why? I guess I haven’t healed yet.
The thing with trauma is – you keep going through the same stuff until you learn the lessons embedded deep within it. Until you change the programme, the same frequency is going to keep being emitted. Trauma leads you to a place of self-love, and that’s what life is all about.
It’s not egotistical love. It’s not being selfish. It’s not viewing yourself as being superior to others. No. It’s about embracing all that you are, shadow side and all.
Self-love is about honouring yourself. Honouring your limits, your triggers, and honouring your energy. Where you place yourself, affects your energy. How much pressure you put on yourself, affects your energy. Who you spend time with, affects your energy.
This world is beautiful, and magical. Only the select view see it though. I’m one of those select view.
Exactly like my book description concludes: ‘Throw in the concoction of eating disorders, narcissistic relationships, a Divine Masculine Twin Flame that struggles with emotions, hidden sexual desires, struggles with sensuality and sexuality… and you’ve got a book that covers all areas of the psyche and mind.’
That’s what this book is about. My journey throughout it all.
The main character throughout, is myself. You’re reading the words as if you’re looking through my eyes. My writing does something miraculous though. You may be looking down on the paper through my eyes, but you’re creating your own story. You’re looking back over your lifetimes, and you’re picking out pieces of the puzzle. You’re acknowledging that these little gems that are found between my words, are actually the gems that you’ve been missing your whole life.
Of course, throughout, the differing stories focus and evolve around culprits or characters who played a huge part in the trauma that I endured. Again, there are characters who have helped me and who continue to help me forevermore.
My advice: Love yourself truly, completely and unconditionally. You’re the only person who will never leave your side. Other people come and go. You have to be your own best friend, because when you’re dealing with the stuff inside, it’s only you who understands.
I want to be a well-known Spiritual Teacher. Get me on all platforms. Let me spread the word… share the word… let me be a ripple that generates a magnetic wave across the entire race of humanity, to really start implementing and living from a place of truth, peace and love.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I’m not really sure when I started writing, but I know that as a child in Primary School, I was very creative. In Literacy and even Creative Writing, I would thrive. Admittedly, I felt it to be a bit of burden when having to write stories – I could never seem to find a suitable ending, and so would just keep on writing and writing.
However, as my life’s path started to pan out, I realised that I was adept at poetry. It actually got added to my list of ‘coping mechanisms’.
My current published book:
Chapter 1 = My undying attempt to feel loved
Chapter 2 = Enlightened wisdom that keeps me alive…and fighting.
Chapter 3 = Mental Health Illnesses and how they are all fabricated illusions… yet so very pain-stakingly real.
Chapter 4 = How my shadow side actually saved me from an abusive relationship with a narcissist.
Chapter 5 = Sexual repressed desires/erotica
The second book I’m in the process of writing is all about:-
Chapter 1 = Being fearless and being the hero of my own life… being the hero of my own destiny
Chapter 2 = That hero (my Inner Child) being locked away and held captive…and me not knowing where she is or where she’s gone
Chapter 3 = Eating Disorder
Chapter 4 = Acknowledging my Shadow Side (and Traits), and also balancing Masculine and Feminine energies of whom I am.
Chapter 5 = Realising that I’m a Messenger/Spiritual Teacher who holds much Wisdom and Truth
Chapter 6 = Honing in on my emotions and being the sensitive soul and empath that I am
Chapter 7 = Worshipping both my Masculine and Feminine energies, and also my Shadow and Light sides
Chapter 8 = Getting justice for all who have wronged me
Chapter 9 = How my Soul leads my way now…
As you can see, my first two books are all centred on my journey, and how pain and all different types of emotions have been embedded throughout. It’s been a hectic ride, that’s for sure!
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
To be honest, I feel like I’m one in and on my own. Yes, there are numerous poetry books out there. Truth be told, I don’t particularly enjoy reading poetry. I can say that I’ve not read any books that are like mine, and therefore, they haven’t influenced me.
My own life experiences have shaped my writing, and I’m really proud of that. I’m proud of myself for having come through those experiences, and still be the strong beautiful soul that I am today. I haven’t changed, and what I mean by that is… I’ve not closed my heart… I’ve not turned nasty… I’ve not let the world turn me cold. If anything, I’m more loving, nurturing, protective, caring, loyal… because of the experiences I’ve been through. It’s a rarity in this world.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
As previously mentioned, I’m working on two books. One that, again, is focused on my journey through life… but is definitely much more indepth… and it really scrutinises everything that I’ve been through, all whilst summarising it all really.
You’ll clearly be able to distinguish between the chapters, and you’ll follow the journey with ease. It’s very clear, yet as my writing does, it generates so many layers and so many stories that are buried deep within. You’ll find yourself swinging along many different turns and paths, and that’s what it’s all about. It’s about going deep within yourself, and honouring what comes up to the surface.
I tend to just go with the flow. Even if I think I’ve got nothing to write about, I’ll get my laptop out and I’ll literally just put down anything that comes to mind. It can be so wacky and metaphorical, but it all just seems to fit and come together so beautifully!
Other than that, I tend to just write from how I’m feeling. Feelings and emotions are such a great indicator for what you should write about!
I was actually reading my own book. I think it’s a beautiful element to be able to put yourself in the reader’s shoes for a few moments, and really indulge in the writer’s stories. It’s almost endearing to be able to forget that you’re the writer, and generate even more stories in your mind that you didn’t have when you were actually writing the book!
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PEARL.’s Website
PEARL. Facebook Page