Featured Interview With Paige Hill
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Austin, TX but now call Oakland, CA home where I live with my two furry, cattledog children and my furry husband.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I started writing movie scripts in elementary school. I wrote a my first 200 page movie script (mostly Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan fiction) in 8th grade.
My fascination with books took time and development of attention span. I’ll admit that until the end of 9th grade, my mother and I took turns reading aloud my required English reading to one another, until I was hooked enough by the characters to finish reading on my own.
But come to think of it, I loved reading them slower and aloud with my mom. So many shared memories we have of amazing literature.
I only began writing novels in the summer of 2013. But I’m completely hooked!
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Jodi Picoult. I like anything with any suspense and strong characters. I’m inspired by anything dystopian. Wool. Hunger Games. Divergent.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Compliant is set in a near future with social issues that are very relevant today. It paints two very real worlds, the gritty world of Non-Compliants and those who have a few strikes against them in this harsh 3-strike criminal system juxtaposed with the clean, proper world that Abigail comes from, a world she was fortunate to be adopted into. When Abigail meets Daemon, there’s no more keeping her world clean and tidy… And that’s when Abigail’s journey begins to get interesting, when Abigail finally makes a decision for herself for once: to save this Non-Compliant woman’s life… Then she is thrust into the dark underground container society where she is dubbed “Compliant.” Suddenly, she’s on the outside of society for once.
Compliant dares to raise questions that need to be asked in this society and our own: Who gets to decides who’s life is worth saving and who’s is worth dying for? And what happens when these systems that are set up to correct society are abused and turned into away for the “haves” to ensure their health and welfare over the “have-nots”? And what if…? What if Abigail hadn’t been adopted into a wealthy family? Would she have already died of cancer as a child, her birth-parents unable to afford treatments? Or perhaps worse, would she be Non-Compliant like her birth mother?
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