Featured Interview With Monica Broussard
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I moved from North Carolina to Michigan to California. I grew up and lived in Orange County, California from the age of 12 years old. I now live in Huntington Beach. I do not have pets. I have a couple of grand dogs that’s enough for me.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I secretly ordered the Wizard of Oz book set at 7 years old. When they arrived at our house my mother about had a heart attack at the price. I was punished but I got to keep them. I still have the set today. I officially writing in 2008 when I was on lock down because of low immune system from chemo therapy for my Stage three breast cancer.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Nelson Demille, Colleen Hoover, actually anyone who can tell a good story. I like a lot of genres-Fiction, Visionary, Metaphysical, Historical, Psychological Thriller, Contemporary, and Romance. Etc…
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is in editing now. It is the second in the 21 Tattoos series.
“7th Dimension” The sevenfold ministry of the Spirit.
In the 7th Dimension, there is a vast opportunity to explore all
possible universes no matter how they began (even without a Big Bang).
It also includes the concept of a parallel universe.
The seventh dimension is consciousness, where all the six other
dimensions interact to give one experience of everything at a point.
(Hence My Character Dr. Derek Hollinger’s manifestations of the Tattoos)
A 7th-dimensional being might be able to perceive and interact with
all lower dimensions in ways that are currently incomprehensible to
us. (The counseling of the Priest, Father Mike, demonstrates this) It’s
important to note that this is purely speculative and falls within
theoretical physics and science fiction.
Mass, length, time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity
and amount of substance are the fundamental quantities. Physical
quantities can be expressed in terms of these fundamental quantities.
These seven quantities are the seven dimensions of the physical world.
(The search for how the tattoos physically manifested VS the spiritual
aspect of manifestation)
This book presents these ideas in a material world scenario, alluding
to something more, Including the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirits of
wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, and knowledge.
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