Featured Interview With Ken Ross
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I’ve lived most of my life in Leeds, England but spent my childhood in East Yorkshire. For the past thirty-odd years I’ve been single and after an assortment of occupations I am eventually able to do what I want with my time. I like drinking tea, thinking, and writing – perhaps too predictable and set in my ways.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
After reading Masefield’s Reynard the Fox as a small child, I was hooked. I’ve never stopped writing for sixty years, and although it took me until my thirties to get my first books published, the adventure has been rewarding and comfort to the soul. After more than fifty published books I’m still keen to write more.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
My favourite authors all belong to the 19th Century – the genre is immaterial, I’ve always been attracted to writing styles rather than the subject.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is a first venture into Young/New adult stories. I’d heard the story of a teenage girl living in my area, and thought perhaps it would make for an interesting topic to write about. The result, THE LAST DAYS OF CHILDHOOD, brought back so many memories of teenage years.
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