Featured Interview With Jessica Ainsworth
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Born and raised in New Jersey. I know, I know – not many are fans of the dirty Jersey, but what can you do?! I currently reside in Maryland with my husband, three kids, bulldog and guinea pig.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I fell in love with books at a very young age. The first book I remember really sparking emotion and intrigue for me was a book called A Solitary Blue. Like many other children I, of course, loved the Goosebumps series (rereading it now with my eldest) and Judy Bloom.
I was about 11 or 12 when I started writing my own “books” and continued writing in various forms throughout the years. Mostly technical in nature and very research driven.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Total fan girl for Nicholas Sparks!!! If Nicholas Sparks is reading this — I LOVE your books and we should be friends!!!!!
As for who inspires me to write… that’s kind of an odd answer here. While I’ve always loved reading and writing, I could never really decide what to write and always had self doubt. What kicked off my writing career was actually watching small businesses torn apart by COVID-19. These books are all written with the small business owner just trying to make it to tomorrow in mind. This is my way of helping.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Going back to my inspiration here, there was a sudden “aha” moment, a lightening strike moment if you will. Shortly after COVID-19 forced businesses to close, business owners were left scrambling to find innovative ways to reach their customers so that they could make ends meet.
I had a Facebook Ad come across my News Feed for a pizza parlor located several hours away from me. Being that far away, I am clearly not their intended audience. In fact, by targeting outside of their radius, they were wasting money. So, I reached out to them privately to help them with their Facebook Ads and they had confessed that not only had they been targeting the whole state, but were embarrassed to admit they had been targeting the ENTIRE country. Talk about a money suck!! You see, they said they were new at advertising on Facebook and weren’t entirely sure about what they were doing. Enter the “aha” moment.
It was from seeing their ad and the ads of other businesses that I realized that I could help.
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Jessica Ainsworth’s Website