Featured Interview With Isaac Mashman
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
A huge thank you to you guys for allowing me the opportunity to sit down for an interview! My name is Isaac Mashman. I am primarily a businessman, an author, and a huge coffee addict. I was born and raised in Jacksonville Florida and I’m currently living in Little Rock Arkansas. I do plan, however, to move back to my home city and build myself as one of the city’s leading business people in late 2024, early 2025. As for pets? Absolutely. With my fiancé, we have four cats and one dog, definitely huge animal lovers, although they get on our nerves at times.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Growing up, I was always an avid reader. I had bookcases in my room stacked on top of each other filled to the brim with various fiction novels and series. I can’t say I read every single one of them, but I usually spent at least a couple minutes every day reading, which was part of my routine.
As I got older, my reading was limited to what was required in school, but as I progressed, I fell back in love with books especially those that fall underneath the self-help personal development genre. In regards to writing, being an author was something I wanted to do from a very young age. I remember writing my own version of The Lord of The Rings, and I had a character name, a brief storyline, and got 20 pages in on looseleaf paper. I never pursued it, but I knew that one time in my life I would eventually publish a book.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m a massive fan of self-development and new thought material. I view writing a little bit like a game of telephone that you used to play in school. By the time the message got to the last student, it would be all scrambled and mismanaged. in terms of personal development wouldn’t you want to go as far back to the source material as possible? This is why in the bookshelf behind my desk, I have various books from the 1900s like The Power of Will by Frank Channing Haddock which I can guarantee no one has heard of.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
I wrote my first book in November 2021, called Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence and I am currently working on an expanded second edition, which will come out later this year. I will be taking the time to go into more strategies and psychological implications regarding one’s personal brand. I’m super excited because I’m able to take all of the knowledge and things that I learned the first time around to make this launch and release even more effective.
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Isaac Mashman’s Website