Featured Interview With Erik Meyers
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
An American from Connecticut who has lived or worked in six countries on three continents, the longest in Germany, where I currently live. I’m a communications professional with 25 years of expertise in a variety of corporate roles, including a broad range of communications disciplines, technical writing and translation, and corporate strategy. Reading and writing are my passions, when I’m not hiking one of the amazing trails in Germany or elsewhere. My motto is “fight the hype” and I enjoy taking a unique, perhaps unorthodox, view of the current topics and trends.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
We always had tons of books in our house and I’ve always loved reading all kinds of subjects. My uncle was a math professor and his house was overflowing with books. Learning and knowledge were instilled in me at a young age. And I’m not sure how, but my interest in reading became in interest in writing and wordsmithing. And I’ve now worked in the communications field for years and years.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
My favorite authors are W. Somerset Maugham, David Leavitt, Agatha Christie, Gladys Mitchell and many others. I love reading all kinds of books, thought usually they are historic fiction, non-fiction biographies, or detective stories.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
I published my first (business) book this year in June “The Accidental Change Agent” on Amazon in paperback and ebook. In this book, I advocate that managers who desire to create real change in an organization focus on the human side of leadership, be open to trying new methods of communication, and lead the way along the new path. The Accidental Change Agent draws upon my 25 years of expertise in a variety of corporate roles. I’ve often seen that many companies want change, but aren’t actually willing to change to get there. Innovation cannot be mandated. It often involves painful, yet needed, change in the organization, in the leadership methods, and also in the corporate culture. I still can’t believe I’m an author!
I’ve also written a LGBT+ historical fiction novel (ready for pitching), a detective story (editing), a thriller/horror screenplay (editing) and numerous short stories. Some of the short stories have been published on Reedsy.
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