Featured Interview With D. U. Sivri
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born and grew up in East London, and I have also lived and worked in many countries.
As a qualified psychotherapist and a renowned motivational expert, I am extremely intetested in helping people both through my work and through my books.
I am an advocate of raising greater mental health awareness and my mission is to help people on an emotional and psychological level.
I have written four powerful personal development and self-help books:
The Secrets of Confidence and Success
The Secrets of Calmness and Inner Peace
The Secrets of Existence and Fulfilment
The Secrets of Life and Beyond
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I have always loved books and have been reading and writing from a young age. I also studied English Literature at high school and college before focusing more on psychology…
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I work in the motivational and psychological sector so self-help is naturally an interesting genre for me. However I also read lots of other genres and authors.
I get a lot of Inspiration from many quarters not just through other writers.
Inspiration is all around… You just need to look for it!
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is The Secrets of Confidence and Success.
I wrote this book to help the reader become the best of who they are. There are many fantastic principles and techniques in this book to help the teader develop an optimal way of thinking.
Confidence and Self-esteem are important so its a must for everyone to develop these necessary character traits.
Once you have worked on yourself, then you can create an optimal way of thinking which enables you to build greater levels of success in your life…
With more successful relationships at work and in your private life, your future happiness will be guaranteed.
Take the first step and read something that will expand your mind…
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