Featured Interview With Brian Paul Lakins
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was ingrained into the Christian faith as a young child…then seeking my own ways for a season, the prodigal returned to Jesus with a God-given passion to write and speak to Christians and seekers to inspire them to live holy in an unholy world. I earned my degree in Biblical studies from Liberty University.
Wisdom was gained in the trenches of life, and the passion for me to address deep questions of faith beyond surface teachings was produced. Through years of personal study, the original Millions Vanished vision was birthed in 2005.
I have had 8 years of notes on my website that I converted into this five book series, then I converted the site to my author and book site. I was raised in Knoxville, TN, but left there 7 years ago for a girl I met online. We have been married since 2009 and have two beautiful kids. Fun fact: we got married after meeting only 2 months and 3 weeks prior.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I never had a fascination with books. The truth is that I almost didn’t graduate. I really never had a study ethic or motivation to learn from books until I gave my life to Jesus in 2004. Since then, He has given me a passion and desire to learn everything permissible about Him and His Word.
I started writing at the age of 29, in 2007, after God placed it in me to write a book about salvation from Genesis through Revelation. I knew it was God Speaking to my inner being, but ignored it for 9 months until the burden was so great on me I couldn’t ignore it or fight it any longer.
I told Him I didn’t know how to write a book, but I will just start trying. He qualified me during that 15 month process and honed my research and study skills. Today, I have no hobby that exceeds my love for writing. I just love it!
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
My all time favorite author is Finis Jennings Dake. He wrote God’s Plan for Man, Revelation Expounded, The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, Bible Truths Unmasked, Another Time…Another Place…Another Man, Heavenly Hosts, and more. My favorite of all, which I’ve spent the most time in is the Dake Annotated Reference Bible. I’d recommend anyone reading his books over mine, but if I thought I was a better writer than my favorite author, then I’d consider myself vain. The only genre I’m interested in is Christian Non-fiction and the categories that peak my interest the most are: RELIGION > Biblical Studies > Prophecy; RELIGION > Christian Theology > Eschatology; RELIGION > Biblical Studies > Soteriology; RELIGION > Christian Theology > Soteriology. If you met me at work you would never think this, until we spent the day together 🙂
I’ll tell you WHAT inspires me. Everyone I have ever met or ever will meet is/has going to end up in one of two places. I have had my best childhood friend die in 2001 at the age of 22. He was not living for God and I believe he is in hell. I never told him the salvation message.
I promised that would never be something I will live with again.
Fast-forward to May 16, 2016, a dear friend of mine killed himself. I hadn’t seen him in years, but the last thing I spoke to him about was Jesus. I mourn for him, but I have no blood on my hands.
I write for all of us who are alive and still have time to understand the plan of God for man-kind. We all have the ability to live holy lives while it is still day. My motivation is for obedience unto God and His Great Commission first, and then for my fellow man to repent and live soberly and holy, watching for the blessed hope and the return of God and His Son to come to earth.
The Who is easy. The Holy Spirit inspires me to write…. to keep doing my part in the mandate we call, The Great Commission.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is Unveiling Raptures and Resurrections, which is book 1 in a series of 5 called, Millions Vanished. It started off being called, Revealing Rapture Truth, but I was lead to go a different course. The foundation had to be laid. The rapture of the church is always the focus, but it’s just a by-product of the first resurrection.
There are two resurrections, both consisting of several raptures, or phases. For example, Jesus is called the first fruit of the first resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20, 23). The two witnesses will be resurrected and raptured during the Tribulation. The church is the second phase of the first resurrection, and there are two more.
I leave the rapture timing debate for book two, 7 Rapture Views. I began writing this book in December of 2015, and finished books 1-2 in March. I already had years of study and notes, so it wasn’t hard at all. These 2 first books will make the rapture topic easy and clear, leaving you the expert when the subject comes up.
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