Featured Interview With Barbara Baldwin
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
My dad was in the Air Force so every 2 or 3 years, sometimes less, we moved. We lived mostly in the southern states but did spend 3 years in Japan. I think this is why I still love to travel and it seems each of my novels is set in a different locale. If I haven’t already been someplace, researching a book is definitely a good reason to visit.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I have always loved to read. When young, it was anything about horses, including all the Black Stallion series. I then graduated to Perry Mason Mysteries. One of my first efforts at writing was a mystery called “The Jewel Filled Jar” and it was written on blue lined notepaper with a crayon cover in about second grade. Most of my early writing was for family — journals about our vacations and poems about my sisters and parents. At one time I started writing Christmas stories and turned them into story cards for family and friends. After the first ten, my publisher took them all and created “Christmas Quilt Anthology”, a short story collection with everything from holiday ghosts to lumberjack elves.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I fell in love with romance after reading Kathleen Woodiwiss. I enjoy all the romance genres, whether it be contemporary or historical. My inspiration comes every time I enter a bookstore. I see all those wonderful adventures on the shelves and think “I want to be there!”
Tell us a little about your latest book?
“Loving Charlie Forever” is a time travel romance set in Stone, South Dakota. I love writing time travel because I get to incorporate the best of two worlds. My time travels always have the character going back in time, thus they could also be considered historical. While we have all studied history at one time or the other, do you think you could live in the 1800’s without your phone, car or a microwave? Charlie manages in some rather unique ways. This book came about in a rather unusual way. I was in a pre-panic mode wondering what I was going to write next. I started researching the Black Hills area during the gold mining era and looking at outlaws when I had a thought. Why not write a story about an author researching this era and looking for a story. Thus, “Loving Charlie Forever” became sort of a story within a story.
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