Featured Interview With Annemarie Brear
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Born of English parents, I grew up in Australia but I am now currently living in England. I write historical omen’s fiction, modern romance and short stories. I have a love of history, of grand old English houses and a fascination of what might have happened beyond their walls. My interests include reading, genealogy, watching movies, spending time with family and eating chocolate – not always in that order!
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
As a child my favourite author was Enid Blyton. The Wishing Chair and The Faraway Tree were great stories of hers. They stirred my imagination like no other. My mother owned a bookstore when I was young so I had an enormous amount of variety to choose from and this gave me a wonderful appreciation for reading books that triggered my imagination.
I started writing in 1997 and was first published in 2005. I signed with my current publisher, Knox Robinson Publishing, in early 2011, and I have recently signed with UK publisher, Choc Lit. I am also self publishing on Amazon my old back list, which I’m excited about.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Most of Audrey Howard’s books leave a lasting impression on me. I love her books. The heroine usually goes through hell before the happy ever after ending. Catherine Cookson’s Tilly Trotter series and also, The Dwelling Place as firm favourites, too.
I also enjoy reading medieval stores by Elizabeth Chadwick, Sharon Penman, but my reading are varied and I can happily pick up a chick lit novel or a biography. If the story premise seems interesting, I’ll read it no matter what the genre.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
To Gain What’s Lost is a story I enjoyed writing so much, so it’s very close to my heart. The characters Anna, Matt and Brenton, whom had been in my head for years, suddenly demanded to be written down.
I’m always attached to the characters I create, especially the males. I like strong men, men who know what they want and go and get. I prefer my heroes to have flaws, and sometimes those flaws aren’t always likable by the reader but as they get to know him they learn that the man isn’t perfect, and who in life ever is perfect. I want my characters to be real and that includes making them flawed helps that process. But despite the odd flaw, my heroes are always lovable in their own way. Each have qualities that I admire and underneath any tough exterior they adore their women, which is the most important factor.
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Hi, Annemarie, I love your books, can’t wait to read the new one.