Featured Interview With Aman Tiwari
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I am an Indian and my hometown is Lucknow (the City of Nawabs). I am a final-year graduate of National Law University Odisha. I am currently planning to pursue MSc. Psychology (Conversion) after graduation. As a dog-lover, I recognize them as a great companion to ourselves. I still remember, when I was born, my father had a German Shepherd. His sudden demise was my first conscious encounter with death as a concept. My entire childhood until I reached college was with Scooby, a Daschund. He died in 2019 at 13 years of age. Now, Mr. Chase, a Beagle is making our busy lives cheerful and happy.
I have been a self-engrossed person since childhood. I have little to no interest in communicating with people in masses. I was inclined towards law, but practicing it as a profession seems a bit unlike of me. A massive transformation of lifestyle from home to college has reshaped me in manners which cannot be articulated. I have developed a huge inclination towards psychology, especially Freudian psychoanalysis. A part of me was always into philosophy, but it was existentialism that caught my attention. My first interaction with existentialism was through Albert Camus’s The Myth of Sisyphus. I still remembered I laughed with each para I read as it was the only reaction that came out witnessing the congruency of its conceptuality with our existence. As if now I am studying the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche along with Greek Mythology, which is another field that interests me. I find Dionysus as the fallen God of the Greeks, a very fascinating character. The Twice Born One, is the source of duality conceptualizing contradiction within itself. All who were attracted to him were fated to a tragic end just like him. This makes me wonder how one aspect which creates is also responsible for its destruction.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Book as a concept has always intrigued me. I liked how it provides a compilation of ideas, thoughts and find it a perfect way of articulating ‘self’. I have a habit of reading and collecting books since childhood. My first interaction with writing was through blogs. I wrote about a cartoon serial Naruto which I was fond of as a child.
When I entered college, the passion towards book started fading away as I was driven towards other things which I haven’t explored during my younger years. Now during the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic, I am reinvigorating my zealousness towards books.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Amongst all great legends out there, this book was mostly inspired by the classic Novella, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. The writing style of Kafka is magnificent. How he creates a world of realism with its inception of something connected to mysticism is beyond comprehension.
While the conceptuality of the book is based upon my contemplation primarily over The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus. Existentialism as a philosophical movement has a huge impact on me. There are some great writers with their classic piece of literature such as Either/Or by Søren Kierkegaard, Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre and Being & Time by Martin Heidegger which have been a constant source of inspiration for me. Writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud has been a constant companion of myself which helped me to related to my true ‘self’.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
I have written a fictional piece of work as Novella titled, “Memoir: The Cathartic Night (Contemplating Temporality to Inevitability)”. It is an existentialist read which aims to embark its readers onto a contemplative journey of self-discovering. I was influenced by Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis to write a Novella conceptualizing my thinking in consonance with existentialism. It upfront deals with the absurdity that is aligned with our existence as meaninglessness in the world of nothingness.
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