About I Will Miss You: A Children’s Picture Book to Help Kids Cope with the Death of a Loved One:
A children’s picture book to help young kids cope with the death of a loved one.
About I Will Miss You: A Children’s Picture Book to Help Kids Cope with the Death of a Loved One:
A children’s picture book to help young kids cope with the death of a loved one.
Jack and The Bread Monster by Gina Bradley
Time is running out for Cookie Town! The Bread Monster has set its sights on those yummy pastries and is hard at work plotting their delicious destruction. If only there were a hero that could save all those tasty treats? But wait!
“I’m a hero!” shouts Jack, “and a hero always has a plan!”
Join Jack as he battles the Bread Monster and its gadzillion-million tentacles wrapped in paper armor. But will Jack, even with help from Josh, his skateboard-shaped friend, be able to defeat this mighty foe before Cookie Town is destroyed? Come along and find out!
Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.
About MAMA’S HOUSE by Mary Angelean Love:
Mama’s House is a fun, well-animated fictional children’s book. Author, Mary Angelean Love, tells a funny, rhyming story about a senior widow, Mama, who decides to build a new dream home. Along the way, Mama has setbacks, frustrations, and expensive setbacks caused by goofy workers, and mean jealous neighbors. It gets so bad for Mama that the pets come to her rescue. After awhile, Mama’s House takes on its own personality and starts defending Mama from all of the people causing her problems. There is a big celebration of Mama and her beautiful house at the end. Mama invites the whole town to her house-warming party!
The Elegant Emu by Karen M. Bobos
The magical sisters are enrolled in an etiquette class when their manners are not fit for the king and queen of the enchanted land of Harmony. Can Elizabeth the Emu help the royal sisters?
In the beautiful and peaceful land of Harmony, three magical sisters and royal daughters of the land, uproot the kingdom’s tranquility with some not-so-polite actions —nose-picking, belching, and other noisy…expulsions. Their parents, the King and Queen, enroll the sisters in the elegant Elizabeth the Emu’s etiquette class where they learn manners and other ways to self-improve like being on time, politeness, and proper personal hygiene.
Elizabeth the Emu explains to Angel Scarlet, Princess Daphne, and Fairy Cora that having proper etiquette is more than good manners, it’s about being kind and courteous. And for the sisters? Well, let’s just say that they will be needing more than one lesson from Elizabeth the Emu’s etiquette class.
Get This Childrens Book Book From Amazon.
Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.
About Featured Book: Please Don’t Turn Off the Lights by Cyrus Ridgeway
Available for free (June 6 – June 10)
A Cozy Children’s Story
What do you do when you are scared of the dark?
This book holds the answers.
Two brothers are afraid of the dark and despise the moment at bedtime when the lights are turned off.
Where do all those noises come from? Are there monsters under the bed? The boys wonder when laying in bed…
In the middle of the brothers’ fearful thoughts, their big brother comforts them and promises to protect them but first they have to repeat and recite his positive affirmations about bravery.
Finally, the two brothers feel braver than ever and can go to sleep peacefully without their previous fear of the dark.
Two little brothers are afraid of the dark and want to sleep with the lights on all night.
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About A Day of Pride: A children’s book that Celebrates Diversity, Equality and Tolerance!:
It is a colorful day of celebration. Soon, the streets will be filled with people of all kinds, who will march in the festive Pride Parade. Miss Rainbow is ready to paint the city with her hues and colors, to fill every corner with love and pride. When the Witch of Shame appears, she threatens to ruin the great party.
Celebrating the unique day of Pride Parade, A Day of Pride teaches the importance of acceptance and tolerance. It encourages children of all kind to be proud of themselves and accepting of others—exactly as they are. Invite your kid to an empowering and exciting journey on a magical day where everyone has a place.
About Featured Book: Good Night, Grammy by Matt Rufo
Five-year-old Samantha is very sad. Her grandmother has just died.
How do parents deal with their children’s grief, as they themselves are suffering the same loss?
Good Night, Grammy shows how one family helps their daughter remember the loss of her beloved grandmother.
One night as Samantha is getting ready for bed, her mother asks her what book she would like to be read.
Suddenly sadness fills Samantha’s face and tears fill up her little eyes.
“What’s wrong, Samantha?” Mom and Dad are very concerned.
“I was thinking of Grammy and how she would read me stories before bed and cuddle with me in the big rocking chair. I miss hearing her voice. It would calm me before bed and it just makes me so sad.”
Dad gets a tissue and Mom wipes her tears and consoles her. Mom tells Samantha, “We all miss her so much. What can we do to make you feel better?”
Samantha thinks. “Actually Mommy, can I do a bedtime prayer for Grammy?”
Sometimes it’s the simple things that make us feel better.
Price good for a limited time.
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
About I Like Blue:
Learn colors!
“Sure this is a colorful world, but if I had my way it would be? You guessed it, blue!
I know what I like, and it is blue! There are so many great blue things out there, but I wish there were more. I love blue. How about you?”
The Lovey that Came to Life by Karen M. Bobos
Angel Scarlett has lost her lovey! Can the sisters solve this mystery?
Angel Scarlett is very close to her two sisters, Fairy Cora and Princess Daphne. But she has a very special friend called Polar Bear Pete, her lovey, who gives her comfort, friendship and joy. Angel Scarlett’s magical powers bring Pete to life, and they spend each day together having fun using their imaginations.
When Angel Scarlett wakes up one morning and discovers Pete is missing, she is distraught. Where could he be? The three sisters search everywhere, including the Arctic Delight area of their castle grounds that Angel Scarlett had magically created for her polar friend.
With no success and almost giving up, the girls return home and are delighted to find . . . Pete and a sweet surprise waiting for them! Angel Scarlett and her sisters realize that cherished friends never abandon each other.
Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.
About Featured Book: Think Like A Computer by Terysa Ridgeway
Limited Time Free Promotion (5/15 – 5/19)
Looking for an engaging book to teach girls about Computer Science? This is it!
Eight-year-old Terysa loves to solve problems. Give her some time and she’ll figure out how to solve anything.
So when Terysa is given an older computer for her birthday, she faces her biggest challenge yet:
Can she make it talk?
Terysa is full of good ideas, but will any of them work, or does she need to change her approach and think less like a human and think more like a computer?
This fun and interactive story introduces children to the basics of coding through an engaging narrative based on the true story of a little girl who loves to solve problems!
By the end of the book, parents and teachers will have a guide for nurturing early problem solving skills and encouraging healthy curiosity all while simultaneously introducing young girls to Computer Science.
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited and is a New Release!
About I am Brave Enough to be the Light:
In rhyme, this sweet children’s book shares the story of a girl with an invisible illness who is guided by her friends to find her inner light. It is perfect for ages 5-10 or adults who want a quick pick me up.
About If Not You Then Who? Book 4: We’re Going Green!:
alling All Young Inventors!
The Inventor’s Fair is finally here and this year’s theme is Going Green! Noah has been tinkering for weeks but he’s worried…Can one invention make a difference? Join Noah and the rest of the Young Inventor’s Club to learn about the different ways we can all go green and make the world a better place.
From solar energy to water conservation, the children of the Young Inventors Club explore the bright future of conscious environmental practices, and how every family can participate. Perfect for the child who is passionate about contributing to solutions to one of the world’s most pressing challenges.
Available on Kindle and as a Picture Book (9.5 x 9.5 hardcover)
AMAZING MATILDA by Bette A Stevens
AMAZING MATILDA (Ages 5-10) Friendship, patience and persistence are among the lessons learned in this gem of a tale featuring an amazing monarch butterfly. This award-winning picture book adventure follows the monarch’s life cycle as Matilda embarks on a quest to make her dream of flying come true. Science, art and wise lessons for children—all wrapped up in a tale the kids will want to read/hear again and again!
Get This Childrens Book Book From Amazon.
Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website.
Visit the Author’s Facebook Fan Page.
About Featured Book: If Not You Then Who? We’re Going Green! by David and Emberli Pridham
FREE Children’s Kindle from April 11-15, 2022
Calling All Young Inventors!
The Inventor’s Fair is finally here and this year’s theme is Going Green! Noah has been tinkering for weeks but he’s worried…Can one invention make a difference? Join Noah and the rest of the Young Inventor’s Club to learn about the different ways we can all go green and make the world a better place.
From solar energy to water conservation, the children of the Young Inventors Club explore the bright future of conscious environmental practices, and how every family can participate. Perfect for the child who is passionate about contributing to solutions to one of the world’s most pressing challenges.
Available on Kindle and as a Picture Book (9.5 x 9.5 hardcover)
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About Featured Book: The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs
A stand-alone, fourth in a series, of the adventures of Jimmy Crikey, the alien orphan who, despite cruel bullying, decided to make his home on Earth. He numbers among his friends the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and the ancient Lord Oron, aka The Weatherman.
The underground Emerald Lake, home of the Aquamites, is invaded by a flesh-eating, fire-breathing serpent, which is impervious to the magic of the four guardian witches. Matilda, the chief witch, asks for Jimmy’s assistance.
Jimmy accompanies Elwinn, witch guardian of everything associated with water, to visit the Emerald Lake. They arrive at a plausible plan to capture the serpents in a spider’s web net.
Their strategy is complicated because Jimmy cannot breathe underwater unless included in Elwinn’s bubble. Several of the strongest young Aquamites agree to act as live bait to entice the serpents into a lake in an extinct volcano’s caldera.
Once the serpents are lured into the volcano’s lake Jimmy, with the help of his starship SR3 and XRU, the intelligent computer/navigator, will trap the reptiles in a spiders web net, ready to drag the creatures into the cold depths of deep space.
Jimmy’s heart is captured at first sight of Annison, a young, golden-headed Aquamite who is also the daughter of Milton, the leader of the tribe.
During the operation to rid the Aquamite’s world of the serpents, Annison is seriously injured when one serpent takes a bite out of her lower tail. She is dying from the loss of blood. The witches do not have the power to help. There is no time to get her to Jimmy’s home plane of Attalia for advanced surgery.
All appears lost until Lord Oron reveals his real identity. Lord Oron is one of the Lords who serve the all-powerful Master. The Master could save Annison, but he refuses to bring a subject back to life from the dead. Can Lord Oron persuade the Master to intervene and save the life of Jimmy’s first love, Annison?
E BOOK reduced to $0.99 until mid April
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About Don’t Feed the Monster:
One day Billy Monster to his great surprise,
Found out he’d won the most fabulous prize
An awesome new home to live in and share
With his very own kid to pester and scare!
Excellent For Soothing Fears
About Featured Book: Stevie Tenderheart A Silent Kiss Goodnight (Stevie and the Tooth Fairy) by Steve William Laible
Stevie Tenderheart A Silent Kiss Goodnight (Stevie and the Tooth Fairy)
Based on a True Story!
Summary: Stevie and the Tooth Fairy share the magic of the night.
This is the perfect (under-the-pillow) bedtime storybook ‘gift’ for Bright Eyes & Toothless Grins.
This Children’s book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print, Audiobook
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About Featured Book: Stevie Tenderheart My Favorite Place to Be (A Bedtime Story) by Steve William Laible
Stevie Tenderheart My Favorite Place to Be (A Bedtime Story)
Summary: Based on a True Story. In this version, the author elevated the wildly popular ‘picture book’ to a full-color, illustrated, 6 x 9″ paperback novella (for older children).
Stories within stories of gladness and adventure abound in this sweetly crafted and splendidly illustrated storybook about a little boy who loves his bed SO much, he wishes he could take it everywhere he goes.
Author Insights:
The author uses a little misdirection (or leg-pulling) in his books, which is his nature, coming from a comic strip background. He feels this adds to the flavor and fun of his bedtime stories immensely. He believes his tongue-in-cheek writing style resonates with children’s funny bones.
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About Featured Book: Stevie Tenderheart Wait a Minute! (A Bedtime Story) by Steve William Laible
Based on a True Story. In this version, the author elevated the wildly popular children’s ‘picture book’ of the same name, to a 6 x 9” full-color illustrated paperback novella [77 pages] so older children can get in on the fun too. It’s a fuller, richer story.
Summary: A warm and ‘tenderhearted’ story of gladness and adventure abound in this amazingly crafted, splendidly illustrated story about a boy and his dinosaur and SO much more. We’re talking about puppies and parrots and rabbits and chicks; frogs and dogs and pollywogs, but we shouldn’t say anymore…surprises and all.
In keeping with the “BED” theme, of his first book, Stevie Tenderheart My Favorite Place to Be…(A Bedtime Story) where Stevie loves his bed SO much, he wishes he could take it everywhere he goes, in this story, Stevie FILLS his bed instead, with ALL of his favorite things. (If you can imagine.) It’s a hilarious bedtime story with calming twists and turns that both parents and kids adore. The animals and their expressions are just too adorable to miss.
This is a special book meant to be read ONLY at bedtime. (It’s a bonding thing.)
This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
This book is in Kindle Unlimited!
About Sophie and Max Show Some Shark Love:
Sophie and Max embark on a beautiful shipwreck dive to help them learn more about sharks, but Max has a secret—he is afraid of sharks!
Will facing his fear help him to overcome the panic he feels at the thought of coming face-to-face with these toothy fish?
The children meet 3 species of sharks on their dive, and learn about the importance of sharks to the health of our oceans, and how they are perilously close to becoming endangered. The book features 3 double page spreads at the back of the book with extra details about the sharks the kids meet on their adventure.
*A book that entertains little ones, while introducing them to the concept of shark and ocean conservation!