The Anti-Elitist Constitution: The Bi-Partisan Action Plan To Unify A Divided Nation And Avert A Second Civil War by David Barulich
Are you an exhausted voter dissatisfied with the choices offered by both major parties? Do you wonder how American politics became so rotten? You’ve come to the right place. The Anti-Elitist Constitution is not just a critique of the system but an antidote to the poison coursing through the veins of America’s political system.
The Anti-Elitist Constitution takes a closer look at the symptoms of our ailing political system: Recurring government shutdowns, perpetual budget deficits, the January 6 Capitol invasion, a politicized Supreme Court, the disappearance of centrist members of Congress, the rise of coarse rhetoric, politically targeted investigations, a gridlocked Congress, and special interest and dark money donors lobbying elected officials and candidates. These are all signs of a nation veering off course, following a defective roadmap – our Elitist Constitution.
The Anti-Elitist Constitution is not another “paralysis-by-analysis” tome of dull research with milquetoast exhortations based upon soft-headed, wishful thinking. It is more than hope for a change. It is a feasible, bi-partisan proposal beckoning you to be part of the solution.
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