Featured Interview With Belinda G. Buchanan
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Owensboro, Kentucky and am the youngest of four girls, beating out my twin sister for that title by a scant two minutes. A self-proclaimed introvert growing up, I spent my youth making dollhouses for my cardboard figurines to act out the drama I’d created for them. I met my husband on a blind date, and this past June we celebrated our 25th anniversary. After having spent fifteen years working in export/transportation, I am now a stay at home mom to two boys (one who loves me unconditionally, and one who loves me only when we’re not in public). We have a menagerie of animals which includes one hamster, one persnickety cat, and one dog who thinks he’s a person.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
As a child, I was a big daydreamer and lover of drama, and as I matured those daydreams began to consume me. Writing became a huge outlet for those stories. For years, I had this idea rattling around in my mind about two couples who had an affair and how it affects their relationship when a child comes of it. I began writing it when I was in my twenties, and for two years, worked on it non-stop. When I was at work, and a certain passage came to mind, I’d jot it down on a sticky note, and when I came home, I’d empty my pockets of those notes and plop myself down in front of the computer. Once “After All Is Said And Done” was finished, I put the manuscript in a drawer and forgot about it because…well…life happened. Then, when my youngest son started kindergarten, I pulled it out, dusted it off, and fell right back into step with my first love.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I like a good mystery, as well as books that contain a lot of drama, but don’t limit myself to those genres. If I like a book’s synopsis, I’ll give it a try. I’ve always been a fan of Danielle Steel. The characters in her books are so endearing that I find myself wanting to take them home for dinner.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Tragedy at Silver Creek is about a small town in Montana struggling to deal with the aftermath of a serial killer’s reign of terror. There is an abundance of guilt among the residents, especially by former deputy Jack Collins, who is mired in it. Jack feels as if he is slowly drowning as he tries to pick up the pieces, as well as cope with his new-and unwanted-job as chief of police. The pressure soon begins to take its toll when the body of a young woman, bearing the same puncture wounds as the killer’s previous victims, is discovered.
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Yay Belinda! I love how your mind works. Congrats on the new book! Sounds amazing and deep. I’m adding it to my TBR pile.
Thank you for those kind words, D!